4 Unusual Benefits of Having Skylights in Your Home

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Many people do not get enthusiastic or excited about the subject of house windows, but I do! Having just renovated my house in Melbourne, I want to share with you my experiences when I replaced the windows in my home. This blog has articles which covers a range of topics, such as replacing older windows, choosing window coverings and all about different glass types. Windows let light and life into your home, so it is essential you make the best choices when your windows need repair or replacing. You do not need to spend hours looking for information about windows because I have already done a tonne of research for you.


4 Unusual Benefits of Having Skylights in Your Home

26 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Making your home beautiful and in line with your preferences is very important. Your home is the one space where you get to live without much care or pressure so do not shy from adding your personal touch. Skylights are an example of a home customisation. Many people install skylights because they want more sunshine in the house or they did not have space on the wall for a window. However, there are so many other benefits of skylights. Below is a list of unusual skylights benefits. 

Indoor solar harvesting

You no longer have to pay the extra charge of having your solar harvesters installed on the roof of your house. With skylights, you can comfortably harvest sunlight from within your house. If you live in a place with high sunshine intensity, you just have to align your skylights with the direction of the sun.

Indoor gardening

With skylights, you no longer have to worry about having an outdoor garden. Your flowers and plants in general will get all the sunshine they need with properly fitted skylights. Whether they are scattered through your house or placed in one room, skylights will deliver the needed sunshine. This is especially beneficial for people who have not been able to grow certain plants because they were told they needed a lot of sunlight.

Indoor sunbathing

When you do not have a pool in your back yard and you do not feel comfortable sunbathing in your front yard, the beach or a public pool are your other options. But why bother yourself when you can have your own homemade sun bathing spa? All you need is a sunscreen, sunglasses, your swimsuit and a cold drink to keep yourself hydrated. Skylights will save you the time, energy, and money that you would have used to go for sunshine elsewhere.

No more dampness

Have you ever noticed a certain smell around your house and you later realize it is because of lack of aeration? However, when you open your windows, the smell does not completely disappear. This is because dampness is caused by an unhealthy amount of moisture in the air. This moisture gets absorbed by furniture and clothes giving them the smell of wet stored fabric. Opening the windows goes a long way in aerating the house, but without sufficient sunshine to dry the moisture off, the smell will not end. Skylights increase the amount of sunlight coming into your home. The warmer your house, the more the moisture evaporates, and your furniture and clothes will be drier.