Why Install Sliding Patio Doors with a Recessed Bottom Rail?

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Why Install Sliding Patio Doors with a Recessed Bottom Rail?

29 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

The sliding doors you use as a gateway to your patio can enhance your enjoyment of your outdoor space from both an internal and external perspective. While some people install doors with a traditional track system, you can also use products that work with a recess at the base. How do these doors work and what are the benefits of using them?

How Do Recessed Sliding Doors Work?

Traditional sliding doors sit on a track on the floor. So, if you have a track at the base, this track goes on the floor to create a holding structure for the door. The doors slide along the track as you use them. If you install a recessed base, then the track itself goes into the floor. You create a channel in the floor below the surface. The track goes in this channel rather than on the floor itself. The base of the doors sits in this recess.

What are the Advantages of a Recessed Bottom Rail System?

While regular sliding door tracks work fine, they aren't always the perfect solution. For a start, you lose some viewing space through the doors themselves. The track at the bottom is visible; it cuts off some of your view outside.

The track itself is also sometimes a safety hazard because it juts out of the floor. So, you have to remember to step over it when you go outside or come inside or else you could trip over it.  This can be a bit of a headache if you have young children running in and out of the garden. They may not always remember that the track is there.

Plus, an above-ground track is more likely to get damaged. You may kick it and knock against it. Its seals may start to break down and slip out of place as you step on them.

If you put your tracks into the floor, then you don't see them. You get maximum glass visibility from ceiling to floor level which gives your doors a sleek and contemporary look.

Plus, you don't have to worry about stepping over the tracks as they are hidden away in their channel. You're less likely to damage the tracks or their seals which get added protection from being kept away from your feet.

To see some examples of recessed bottom rails and to learn more about their benefits, contact sliding doors suppliers.